Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring 2010 Woodlands Flea Market Garage Sale

Twice every year, people are looking forward to our large Flea Market (garage sale) - Spring and Fall. This year, there was a problem with contracting the parking garage, so it will be later than usual.  The process will be similar this Spring but later than planned. It is now scheduled for April 17th and will again be conducted in Town Center, starting early in the morning. Vendors, residents and shoppers alike will be notified officially soon.

Update March 09, 2010
Tickets for vendors will go on sale Saturday, March 20, 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., at the Panther Creek Village Center.  Prices remain the same at $50 for residents of The Woodlands, $75 for non-residents and $100 for commercial vendors.

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